CityCentral | CoWorking Space

Rosalyn B Franklin

With a pandemic disrupting our normal everyday operations, many people have been affected by the shelter in place orders. Companies that can have been working from home, and businesses that can’t, like clubs, bars, and restaurants, have either shut down or closed their dining rooms in favor of to-go orders only. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t put on an ounce of makeup in weeks. With nowhere to go, I haven’t bothered touching my makeup brushes. But this conversation with Rosalyn was the exception. I put on some makeup, one of her own products in fact, and it honestly felt great. It reminded me of the power of a little mascara and a great lipstick, designed by none other than RosB herself.


Rosalyn Franklin is a wife, mother, and makeup guru. With 20 years of makeup experience, Rosalyn knows the ins and outs of the industry. She has worked her way up through multiple makeup positions, companies, and currently has her own company, RosB Beauty. RosB Beauty is a luxury cosmetics brand filled with incredible products that were created with every skin tone in mind. We had the privilege of sitting down the Rosalyn to learn more about her business journey. Rosalyn has a love for learning, mentoring and teaching everything makeup!




Rosalyn has been in the makeup industry for 20 years, and with that experience comes an exposure to a lot of different brands. Throughout the years, and especially recently, brands have begun to cater to more skin tones and types, and that is a goal that is near and dear to Rosalyn’s heart. Rosalyn is extraordinarily passionate about her clients and making sure everyone has something that works for them. Rosalyn said “This just started from something that happened to me years ago, before brands had lots of colors, and they didn’t have my color and I just said, one day, I want to make sure everyone can wear RosB Beauty, because that’s my clientele.” Rosalyn’s goal is to be diversified and definitely something that sets her apart from a lot of other brands. She started in makeup, perfecting her skills and she has a hand in creating every formula and color that comes out of her makeup line. From her experience working with big brands such as Chanel, Lancôme, and MAC, she knows what makes a good makeup product.




Being in the makeup industry means working really closely with clients. As an outstanding people’s person, Rosalyn loves working with her clients to give them the best experience possible. With a degree in Communication, Rosalyn is somewhat of an expert at relationships. And building those relationships with her clients is what she loves most about her job. She has the opportunity to do a lot of bridal makeup, and she loves to make her brides feel beautiful. Making those connections and giving brides the best on their big day is the best feeling in the world. Rosalyn told us about a bride she had who was just awestruck by how incredible she felt and looked on her wedding day. “I felt like I knew her, like part of the family. And that type of stuff is the best thing. Over selling a lipstick, I gained these lifelong client friends after its all done.”




Starting any business is a scary process. And because of Rosalyn’s background and two successful companies under her belt, we asked her if she had any advice for those in the makeup industry or maybe those wanting to start their own makeup line like she did. She imparted a few pieces of awesome wisdom to us. First and foremost, don’t be afraid! Starting a company is a daunting task, and it seems like a really popular thing to do in our day and age. Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and it’s a great environment to sponsor creativity. Rosalyn also suggests that anyone looking to get started in makeup should seek out someone in the industry with experience. Rosalyn has a passion for teaching and learning and often mentors’ young women looking to get information on how the industry works. Taking classes and learning as much as you can is key to being successful in any endeavor. Even as a makeup veteran, Rosalyn still seeks out every opportunity to be able to learn something new from courses from MAC or from other makeup artists. Rosalyn says, “Continue to educate yourself before you get all the way out there, you want to make sure you’re delivering something really special to that client.” With Rosalyn’s wealth of knowledge, she loves to teach and mentor those looking to learn anything about the makeup industry.




Like many others, Rosalyn and her business has been affected by COVID19. With weddings and events being postponed or cancelled, she has had a lot of time on her hands. While also helping her kids with their at-home studies, Rosalyn has been filling her time with projects! From making improvements to her RosB Beautywebsite, to working on graphics, and learning new skills, she’s looking for the good in every day! Rosalyn told us, “You can’t worry about the bad stuff every day, it’s going to drown you out. So find something new to do, even if its once a week and it’ll definitely give you satisfaction.” Rosalyn and her family are making the best of a bad situation. And in Rosalyn’s opinion, using this time to strengthen your family relationships, honing your craft and learning something new is the best way to make isolation feel less isolating.


We want to thank Rosalyn for taking the time to sit down and chat with us! Be on the lookout for RosB Beauty events in the near future!