CityCentral | CoWorking Space

Which Is Better For You –
Open Or Private Office
Open office spaces are slowly taking over, but are they really better than good old-fashioned private offices? Let’s
explore the pros and cons of each to help you make the right choice for your team.
As the new year approaches, are you struggling to find the best workspace solution for your business? Whether you have a one-man operation or are looking to facilitate hundreds of employees, there is an optimum solution for your team, and we want to help you find it! Currently, you, and possibly your team, may be working from home. While that is an excellent temporary solution, at some point a decision about what is next in terms of office space will have to be made. Will your business benefit from the private office desk, or is open office space going to be a more productive environment? Depending on the industry you are in or size of your team, it can be difficult to determine what the best coworking space for your business is. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of pros and cons of cubicles vs open office space to help you see which option will make your business thrive!

Open Office Space: Pros and Cons



Private Office Space: Pros and Cons



Final Thoughts On The Cubicles
Vs Private Offices Debate

When deciding between open office space and private offices it is not a matter of which option is superior, because both options come with pros and cons. The important question to ask yourself is, “Which option will make my business thrive?”. Every business is unique and has different requirements to fulfill. Some businesses may even have the most benefit from combining a mixture of open and private office space! Remember, the great thing about flexible office space is that your work area can be personalized to your business needs!