CityCentral | CoWorking Space

The CityCentral Uptown community just welcomed Casey Morris of BLKTech DFW to the community! Having worked in IT for years, Casey is dedicating his expertise to BLKTech DFW, an organization that teaches digital skills and provides resources to guarantee that communities of color have the access and skills they need to engage in today’s society and economy. Learn more about Casey and how BLKTech DFW differs from its rivals by reading on.
Tell us a little about you and your business.
Very few people have the experience mixed with the background that I have. Growing up as an immigrant who came to this country with nothing and now working for one of the top technology companies in the world, gives me a perspective that cannot be replicated by any of our current competitors. I have over 14 years of experience as a cyber security consultant, software developer, cloud systems engineer at several fortune 500 companies including Fujitsu, Raytheon, Booz Allen Hamilton, Computer Sciences Corporation, and currently at Microsoft supporting their customers in the Federal Government.
What lead you to creating BLKTech DFW?
In our increasingly technical world, technology skills are not a luxury, they are a necessity, and this basic lack of access to these skills is an injustice. I’ve volunteered for organizations in Dallas and other cities that dealt directly with access to jobs and technology. There is a need for both technical education and for better paying jobs in marginalized communities.
What sets your business apart from other companies?
We’re a community focused organization that aims to solve the black tech pipeline problem in DFW. Our goal is to increase representation of people of color in technical roles that pay a livable wage. To attract non-traditional talent we’ll need to use non-traditional practices. This means using social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter, local media platforms such as Dallas Weekly Magazine, and collaboration with local radio for greater reach. We teach digital skills, and provide necessary resources to ensure that communities of color have the access and skills they need to fully participate in today’s society and economy.
What is something you wish you’d known when you were just starting your business?
We’re still a young company so everyday is a learning experience. There are many lessons I’m still learning and fortunately I’m working with the DEC in their startup accelerator program to build a network, create a better economic forecast and create marketing and customer retention strategies that match my business model. I will continue learning through the network I’ve built and other entrepreneurship programs as the company grows
How do you navigate your work-life balance?
My initial thought is what balance? There’s always a negotiation between needs and wants, realizing that time with family and friends are absolute needs to maintain a healthy mindset is important. My wife and I try to travel once a quarter as she also works full time and owns a thriving business. We have a very busy household but we make time for date nights and socializing with friends whenever we can.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I wear many hats and have a few jobs, but what I’m most proud of is helping others. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter or seeing growth in the boys at our church’s mentorship program, the reward is seeing that you have a positive impact on someone else that they can transfer to others. BLK Tech DFW has the potential to impact generations by preparing people of color today for tomorrow’s opportunities. Real DEI is in hiring and paying competitive wages to people from marginalized communities.
How has being a part of the CityCentral community affected you and your business?
CityCentral has been my base of operations and will be essential in our training process. The range of locations means we can host hybrid training in Far North Dallas, Richardson, or Ft. Worth while hosting smaller sessions at the Uptown office. This is a great opportunity I’m happy to have and hope to see CityCentral continue to expand.
If you had a friend in town, and you could take them to one of your favorite restaurants or spots in your community, where would you take them to?
Wow, one thing Dallas has in droves is great places to eat. In fact I’m thinking of heading to Pecan Lodge right now! I’ve taken friends to Lockhart Smokehouse in Bishop Arts for authentic Texas BBQ and they loved it. For a great brunch I’d take them to Meddlesome Moth in the Design District, they also have a great beer menu. And finally I’d go to Te Deseo for happy hour before taking them to a Mavs game.
We’d like to thank Casey for being a part of our member spotlight series!
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