They’ve been called lazy, narcissistic, coddled, entitled and even delusional.
They’re materialistic, addicted to technology and prone to job hopping if their unrealistic expectations are not met.
Who are these horrible people? Maybe you’ve already guessed, but we’re talking about Millennials. That new breed of digital native posting pics of their avocado toast while retweeting their latest social justice obsession and planning a trip to Costa Rica.
Sure, it’s easy to ridicule them as they feverishly hammer away at their iPhones. But before you get up off your rocking chair on the porch to yell “Get off my lawn you darn kids”, consider this: at 80 million, Millennials are quickly outnumbering Baby Boomers in population. They already spend $65 billion a year and are having an enormous influence on companies as they enter the workforce.
To help Crack The Millennial Code, Sherri Elliott-Yeary, CEO of Generational Guru, award-winning speaker, business consultant, and published author, shared her secrets of generational bridging at CityCentral’s most recent Speaker Series event.
Demographically, Millennials include anyone born roughly between 1981 – 1996. They were the first generation to be digital natives, growing up with computers, the internet, and cellphones. Technology for them is an everyday habit.
They also experienced 9/11 and the War On Terror, the 2008 financial crisis turning their parent’s 401k into a 201k, big bank bailouts, layoffs, and the recession. Many left college with massive student loan debt.
So Millennials can be forgiven for having the perception that everything can be gone at any time. And it’s no wonder many focus on living a life of experiences, meaning and impact rather than climbing the corporate ladder.
But what about all of the startup companies founded by Millennials making billions and creating innovative new products and technologies? Facebook, anyone?
Rather than being lazy, narcissistic and over-confident, Millennials are simply adapting to a rapidly changing digital world in which they are well-suited to navigate with natural ease.
There are many contradictions when describing any generation, but here are a few defining traits of Millennials:
According to Pew Research, 35% of people in the workforce are Millennials and that number is only expected to grow. That’s 56 million people, well ahead of the 53 million Gen Xers and 41 million Baby Boomers.
That means you will be working with Millennials. So forget the stereotype of the lazy, entitled job-hopper with their face perpetually stuck in a phone. New ways of working and communicating on the job are required to move into the future multi-generational workplace.
The business world is changing daily with the speed of an internet meme gone viral. And there is no one better to navigate this world than the Millennials.
To attract Millennial job candidates:
Understand their WIIM (What’s In It For Me) statement
Elliott-Yeary gave an example of an intimidating National Guard recruiter handing out free coffee mugs wondering why he was having problems recruiting Millennials. She told him that he needed to focus more on what Millennials cared about. Her suggestions resulted in a more successful recruitment video focusing on the travel and life experiences the National Guard provided.
Questions to ask when hiring Millennials:
These questions will help you screen the proper Millennial candidate for your position.
Elliott-Yeary said Baby Boomers need to share their experience with Millennials as they come into the workforce to meld the traditional business world with the digital. The best bridge between these two worlds are the Gen Xers since they grew up before and during the digital revolution.
But traditional training with classes and seminars doesn’t appeal to Millennials. They prefer to learn online at their own pace.
Training Tips
One area for improvement among many Millennials is social interaction skills. Often they communicate through the buffer of email, text, Snapchat, and Instagram. Face to face communication may be more challenging. That’s where the experience of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers can help with mentoring and teaching moments.
The average Millennial will change jobs four times in their first decade out of college. That means to retain talent, you must effectively manage the Millennials in your employ. So how to manage millennials in the workplace?
Millennials are impervious to traditional marketing and advertising. If a traditional ad actually makes it past the ad blocker on their web browser, they are likely to ignore it. So how do you crack that demographic to get them to spend their collective $65 billion?
Millennials expect to be connected to a brand before they buy.
Make Millennials Matter + What Matters To Millennials = Cracking The Code
The Millennials aren’t just a huge potential market. They are natural swimmers in the digital ocean. They are tech-savvy, confident multi-taskers and lightning-quick communicators. Pair that with the business experience and social skills of the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers and you have a recipe for success.
For more information check out Sherri Elliott-Yeary’s website:
And her books: “Ties to Tattoos” and “Crack the Millennial Code”